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Environment, Safety & Health

Sustainability - Environment, Safety & Health

Safety and regulatory compliance is paramount throughout our processes

CARBOGEN AMCIS is dedicated to developing and maintaining voluntary environmental, safety and health standards above and beyond the standard legal requirements, in order to provide a safe and healthy workplace for our employees and minimize our impact on the environment.

We also provide a secure and safe environment for our neighbors in the communities we operate in. This commitment starts with the leadership of our company and extends to every colleague.

In Switzerland, our use of 100% renewable electricity is truly industry-leading. 

Gavin - Head of ESH, Switzerland


  • Full Swiss legal compliance
  • Waste air treatment with scrubber or charcoal adsorbing systems (ALURA)
  • Incineration of all chemical waste streams (also aqueous)
  • Participation in the UN Global Compact
  • Annual CSR Report


  • Thermal process safety (in-house safety lab, risk analyses for all chemical processes)
  • Instructions performed for each production procedure
  • ESH training program (including annual safety days)
  • Incident and near-miss reporting
  • Preventive maintenance for equipment and infrastructure
  • GHS (Globally Harmonized System) compliant classification and labelling
  • ADR compliant packaging and shipment of dangerous goods
  • Internal fire response and first aid groups


  • Categorization of all APIs and intermediates (in-house toxicologist)
  • State of the art containment systems (e.g. glove boxes / pressure cascades / barrier benches)
  • Industrial hygiene monitoring program
  • Illness and injury reporting
  • Regular health checks for all employees

Find out more by
downloading the CSR
report extract