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CARBOGEN AMCIS announces major investments of more than CHF 100 million in Switzerland and France

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CARBOGEN AMCIS announces major investments of more than CHF 100 million in Switzerland and France

  • English

    BUBENDORF, Switzerland (August 17, 2020) — Switzerland-based CARBOGEN AMCIS, a pharmaceutical process development and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) and drug products manufacturing company, announced today new expansion plans in Switzerland and France. 

    CARBOGEN AMCIS announces two major expansion projects that will increase manufacturing capacity to better meet the demands of the current market and its customers. The new facilities, located in Switzerland and France, will be phased in over the next four years, totaling investments in excess of CHF 100m (over €90 million). This follows six years of constant growth for the company.

    In Switzerland, the project will be initiated in 2021 with construction of a new API manufacturing facility at its Hunzenschwil site. This project will progress in several phases. It is planned for this new unit to be operational by summer 2024.

    “The facility is designed to provide space for CARBOGEN AMCIS to grow over the next 10 years with the initial phase comprising of 12 new vessels (from 630 liters to 4000 liters) and associated filtration and drying capabilities,” said Stephan Fritschi, vice president of operations. “We have an impressive pipeline, and now our customers can benefit from more diverse offerings.”

    In addition to the new Swiss API manufacturing facility, additional investments are planned with a dedicated budget to improve some of the existing technologies and to increase the capacity of the current Swiss sites, such as adding chromatography equipment, new reactors in production and new laboratories.

    In France, on newly acquired land located 7 km from an existing site in Riom, construction will begin in January 2021 with a new, state-of-the-art facility dedicated to custom development and manufacturing of parenteral drug products. This facility will allow handling complex formulations, including a large range of different types of APIs from biologics to any kind of highly potent compounds.

    “After years of growth, it’s exciting to have reached our current production limits and to be able to expand our facilities and grow our capacity, which will match the future market demand,” said Pascal Villemagne, vice president of sales and marketing. “Our new facility in Riom will not only enable us to support more customers, but will also give them access to innovative fill and finish technologies.”

    The new French site will be able to supply both clinical batches up to phase III and small-scale for commercial. There will be two automated lines: the first one for both liquid filling plus lyophilization and the second one dedicated to liquid forms. In addition, state-of-the-art development and analytical laboratories will be incorporated to support customer projects. Operations will commence during Q1 of 2023.

    “Our objective is ambitious, nevertheless, we are taking a responsible approach to our growth in order to give the company and our employees a sustainable future. As an established leader in the pharmaceutical outsourcing industry for the past 40 years and with strong relationships with our customers, our company is ready to take this next step in capability and capacity. We are embarking on the expansions in order to secure CARBOGEN AMCIS’s position,” said Mark Griffiths, CARBOGEN AMCIS CEO.

    Photo caption: The new facility in Riom, France will allow CARBOGEN AMCIS to support more customers and enables access to innovative fill and finish technologies.


    CARBOGEN AMCIS ( is a leading service provider, offering a portfolio of drug-development and commercialization services to the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry at all stages of drug development. The integrated services provide innovative chemistry solutions to support timely and safe drug development, allowing customers to make the best use of available resources. CARBOGEN AMCIS is owned by Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited, Ahmedabad, India. 

    Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited ( is a global outsourcing partner for the pharmaceutical industry, offering a portfolio of development, scale-up and manufacturing services. Dishman Carbogen Amcis group improves its customers’ businesses by providing a range of development and manufacturing solutions at locations in India. 


  • French

    CARBOGEN AMCIS annonce d’importants investissements de plus de 100 millions de francs suisses (plus de 90 millions d’euros) en Suisse et en France

    BUBENDORF, Suisse (le 17. août 2020) - La société suisse CARBOGEN AMCIS, qui développe des procédés pharmaceutiques et fabrique des principes actifs (API) et des médicaments, a annoncé aujourd’hui de nouveaux plans d’expansion en Suisse et en France.

    CARBOGEN AMCIS annonce deux grands projets d’expansion visant à augmenter sa capacité de production pour mieux répondre aux exigences du marché et de ses clients. Ces nouvelles installations, situées en Suisse et en France, seront déployées progressivement au cours des quatre prochaines années. L’investissement total s’élève à plus de 100 millions de francs suisses (plus de 90 millions d’euros). Cette évolution s’inscrit dans le prolongement de six années de croissance constante de l’entreprise.

    Le projet sera lancé pour la Suisse en 2021 avec la construction d’une nouvelle unité de production de principes actifs sur le site de Hunzenschwil. Il se déroulera en plusieurs phases. La nouvelle unité devrait être opérationnelle d’ici l’été 2024.

    « L’installation est conçue pour permettre l’expansion de CARBOGEN AMCIS au cours des dix prochaines années. La phase initiale comprendra 12 nouveaux réacteurs (de 630 litres à 4 000 litres) avec les capacités de filtration et de séchage associées », explique Stephan Fritschi, vice-président opérations. « Notre portefeuille est impressionnant, et nos clients vont désormais bénéficier d’offres plus diversifiées. »

    Outre la nouvelle usine suisse de fabrication de principes actifs, des investissements supplémentaires sont prévus, avec un budget dédié qui permettra d’améliorer certaines technologies existantes et d’augmenter la capacité des sites suisses actuels, comme l’ajout d’équipements de chromatographie, de nouveaux réacteurs en production et de nouveaux laboratoires.

    En France, la construction commencera en janvier 2021 sur un terrain nouvellement acquis situé à 7 km du site actuel de Riom. Il accueillera un nouveau bâtiment ultramoderne dédié au développement et à la fabrication de médicaments à usage parentéral. Celui-ci permettra de traiter des formulations complexes, notamment une large gamme de différents types de principes actifs, allant des produits biologiques à tout type de composés hautement actifs.

    « Après des années de croissance, il est stimulant d’avoir atteint nos limites de production actuelles, de pouvoir nous agrandir et augmenter notre capacité afin de répondre aux demandes futures du marché », commente Pascal Villemagne, vice-président ventes et marketing. « Notre établissement de Riom nous permettra non seulement de soutenir plus de clients, mais il leur donnera aussi accès à des technologies de remplissage et de finition (Fill and Finish) innovantes. » 

    Le nouveau site français sera en mesure de fournir à la fois des lots cliniques jusqu’à la phase III et des lots commerciaux à petite échelle. Deux lignes automatisées y seront déployées : la première pour le remplissage de liquides plus la lyophilisation et la seconde dédiée aux formes liquides. En outre, des laboratoires de recherche et de développement de pointe seront intégrés pour soutenir les projets des clients. Les opérations commenceront au cours du premier trimestre 2023.

    « Notre objectif est certes ambitieux, mais nous adoptons une approche responsable de notre croissance afin de donner à l’entreprise et à nos collaborateurs un avenir durable. En tant que leader établi depuis 40 ans dans le secteur de la sous-traitance pharmaceutique et grâce aux relations solides que nous entretenons avec nos clients, notre entreprise est prête à franchir ce nouveau cap en termes de capacité et de compétences. Nous nous lançons dans ces projets d’expansion afin de sécuriser la position de CARBOGEN AMCIS », souligne Mark Griffiths, PDG de CARBOGEN AMCIS.


    CARBOGEN AMCIS ( est un prestataire de services de premier plan qui propose un portefeuille de services de développement et de commercialisation de médicaments aux industries pharmaceutique et biopharmaceutique à chaque étape du développement clinique et du cycle de vie des produits. Nos services intégrés et nos solutions chimiques innovantes favorisent un développement rapide et sûr des médicaments, ce qui permet à nos clients de mieux optimiser les ressources disponibles. CARBOGEN AMCIS est une filiale à part entière de Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited, Ahmedabad, Inde.

    Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited ( est un partenaire de sous-traitance mondial pour l’industrie pharmaceutique, offrant un portefeuille de services de développement, d’échelle et de fabrication. Le groupe Dishman Carbogen Amcis améliore les activités de ses clients en fournissant une gamme de solutions de développement et de fabrication sur des sites en Inde. 


  • German

    CARBOGEN AMCIS kündigt Investitionen von mehr als 100 Millionen Schweizer Franken (90 Millionen Euro) in der Schweiz und Frankreich an

    BUBENDORF, Schweiz (17. August 2020) – das Schweizer Unternehmen CARBOGEN AMCIS, das pharmazeutische Verfahren entwickelt und aktive pharmazeutische Wirkstoffe (API) und Arzneimittel herstellt, hat heute neue Expansionspläne in der Schweiz und in Frankreich bekanntgegeben.

    CARBOGEN AMCIS kündigt zwei grosse Expansionsvorhaben zur Erhöhung der Produktionskapazitäten an, um den aktuellen Kunden- und Marktanforderungen besser gerecht zu werden. Anknüpfend an das kontinuierliche Unternehmenswachstum der letzten sechs Jahre werden die neuen Anlagen in der Schweiz und in Frankreich in den nächsten vier Jahren schrittweise in die Infrastruktur integriert und umfassen ein Gesamtinvestitionsvolumen von mehr als 100 Millionen Schweizer Franken (über 90 Millionen Euro).

    In der Schweiz wird das Projekt 2021 mit dem Bau einer neuen API-Produktionsanlage am Standort Hunzenschwil in Angriff genommen. Das Projekt umfasst mehrere Phasen. Die neue Niederlassung soll bis Sommer 2024 in Betrieb genommen werden.

    „Das Werk soll CARBOGEN AMCIS in den nächsten 10 Jahren anfänglich mit 12 neuen Reaktoren (von 630 bis 4000 Liter) und den damit verbundenen Filtrations- und Trocknungskapazitäten in seinem Wachstum unterstützen“, so Stephan Fritschi, Vizepräsident Operations. „Wir haben bereits eine beeindruckende Pipeline und können nun unseren Kunden ein noch vielfältigeres Angebot bieten.“

    Zusätzlich zu der neuen Schweizer API-Produktionsanlage sind weitere Investitionen mit einem zweckgebundenen Budget geplant, um einige der bestehenden Technologien zu verbessern und die Kapazität der aktuellen Schweizer Standorte zu steigern. Dazu gehören beispielsweise zusätzliche Chromatographie-Anlagen, neue Reaktoren in der Produktion und Laborausbauten.

    In Frankreich beginnt im Januar 2021 auf einem neu erworbenen Gelände nur 7 km von dem bisherigen Standort in Riom entfernt der Bau einer neuen, hochmodernen Anlage für die kundenspezifische Entwicklung und Herstellung parenteraler Arzneimittel. Dieses Werk ermöglicht die Handhabung komplexer Formulierungen, einschliesslich einer grossen Auswahl an verschiedenen Arten von APIs, von Biologika bis hin zu hochwirksamen Verbindungen jeglicher Art.

    „Nach Jahren des Wachstums ist es aufregend, unsere derzeitigen Produktionsgrenzen erreicht zu haben und nun unsere Anlagen und Kapazitäten erweitern zu können, um der zukünftigen Marktnachfrage zu entsprechen“, sagt Pascal Villemagne, Vizepräsident Vertrieb und Marketing „Mit unserem neuen Werk in Riom können wir nicht nur mehr Kunden erreichen, sondern ihnen auch Zugang zu innovativen Fill-&-Finish-Technologien eröffnen.“

    Der neue französische Standort wird sowohl klinische Chargen bis zur Phase III als auch kleine Chargen für den kommerziellen Einsatz liefern können. Er wird zwei automatisierte Produktionslinien umfassen: die erste für die Abfüllung flüssiger Formen sowie Lyophilisierung und die zweite ausschliesslich für flüssige Formen. Darüber hinaus werden hochmoderne Entwicklungs- und Analyselabore zur Unterstützung von Kundenprojekten eingerichtet. Der Betrieb soll im ersten Quartal 2023 aufgenommen werden.

    „Unser Ziel ist ehrgeizig. Dennoch gehen wir verantwortungsvoll mit unserem Wachstum um, um dem Unternehmen und unseren Mitarbeitenden eine nachhaltige Zukunft zu bieten. Als in der pharmazeutischen Outsourcing-Industrie seit 40 Jahren etablierter Marktführer mit starken Beziehungen zu unseren Kunden ist unser Unternehmen bereit, diesen nächsten Schritt in Bezug auf unser Leistungsportfolio zu gehen. Wir nehmen die Expansion in Angriff, um die Marktposition von CARBOGEN AMCIS zu sichern“, meint Mark Griffiths, CEO von CARBOGEN AMCIS.


    CARBOGEN AMCIS ( ist ein führender Dienstleister für die pharmazeutische und biopharmazeutische Industrie, der mit einem Dienstleistungsportfolio zur Arzneimittelentwicklung und -vermarktung in allen Phasen der klinischen Entwicklung und des Produktlebenszyklus aufwarten kann. Die umfassenden Dienste bieten innovative chemische Lösungen für eine schnelle und sichere Arzneimittelentwicklung und ermöglichen Kunden eine bestmögliche Nutzung ihrer verfügbaren Ressourcen. CARBOGEN AMCIS gehört zu Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited in Ahmedabad, Indien. 

    Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited ( ist ein globaler Outsourcing-Partner für die Pharmaindustrie und bietet ein breites Portfolio an Entwicklungs-, Ausbau- und Fertigungsdienstleistungen. Die Dishman Carbogen Amcis Group unterstützt das Geschäft ihrer Kunden durch die Bereitstellung einer Reihe von Entwicklungs- und Fertigungslösungen an Standorten in Indien. 


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CARBOGEN AMCIS announces a co-investment agreement of more than CHF 15 million with a key client to expand Swiss site

  • BUBENDORF, Switzerland (April 29th, 2021) — Switzerland-based CARBOGEN AMCIS, a pharmaceutical process development and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) and drug products manufacturing company, announced today a joint funding agreement with a long standing Japan based customer to build a site extension at the Bubendorf site in Switzerland.

CARBOGEN AMCIS announces a co-investment agreement of more than CHF 15 million with a key client to expand Swiss site

BUBENDORF, Switzerland (April 29th, 2021) — Switzerland-based CARBOGEN AMCIS, a pharmaceutical process development and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) and drug products manufacturing company, announced today a joint funding agreement with a long standing Japan based customer to build  a site extension at the Bubendorf site in Switzerland.  

The expansion will be created adjacent to an existing manufacturing facility on the Bubendorf Switzerland Site. This important expansion will incorporate a new production line comprising of two 850 L reactors and one agitated filter drier. The facility is designed for highly potent manufacturing up to category 4 (OEL of 1 µg/m³ and lower).

“We are grateful for the trust our customer has placed in us by deciding to support the Bubendorf site extension. Their investment will enable the creation of a state-of-the art facility that will benefit them directly,” said Pascal Villemagne, VP sales and Marketing, CARBOGEN AMCIS. “This joint investment cements our working relationship over the long term and lays the foundation for a promising future.”

CARBOGEN AMCIS will produce exclusively for the signatory customer a complex highly potent drug component for a commercial antibody-drug-conjugate API. 

“The production of this intermediate involves five CARBOGEN AMCIS facilities around the world: three sites in Switzerland (Bubendof, Hunzenschwil and Aarau), one in the UK (Manchester) and one in China (Shanghai).The highly potent production element will take place in Bubendorf, in the new building extension.” Commented Mark Griffiths, CARBOGEN AMCIS CEO. “We are thrilled and honoured to collaborate with our customer on this project to treat patients of need and also proud to demonstrate our ability to integrate our global supply chain network.”

Currently, the planning phase for the building extension is underway and the Company expects to commence operations in autumn 2022.


CARBOGEN AMCIS AG ( is a leading service provider, offering a portfolio of drug-development and commercialization services to the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry at all stages of drug development. The integrated services provide innovative chemistry solutions to support timely and safe drug development, allowing customers to make the best use of available resources. CARBOGEN AMCIS AG is owned by Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited., Ahmedabad, India.

Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited ( is a global outsourcing partner for the pharmaceutical industry, offering a portfolio of development, scale-up and manufacturing services. Dishman Carbogen Amcis group improves its customers’ businesses by providing a range of development and manufacturing solutions at locations in Europe and in India. 

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Dishman Carbogen Amcis Ltd announces successful results from the partnership with Boston University School of Medicine on study that uncovers treatment for vitamin D deficiency (2)

  • Ahmedabad, India (May 21th, 2021) — India-based Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited, a global outsourcing partner for the pharmaceutical industry, welcomes the results of a new study that provides critical insights into the treatment of vitamin D deficiency in obesity and in fat malabsorption syndromes. The research was conducted by Boston University School of Medicine and supported in part by a grant from Dishman Carbogen Amcis Ltd’s wholly owned subsidiary CARBOGEN AMCIS B.V.

Dishman Carbogen Amcis Ltd announces successful results from the partnership with Boston University School of Medicine on study that uncovers treatment for vitamin D deficiency

Ahmedabad, India (May 21th, 2021) — India-based Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited, a global outsourcing partner for the pharmaceutical industry, welcomes the results of a new study that provides critical insights into the treatment of vitamin D deficiency in obesity and in fat malabsorption syndromes. The research was conducted by Boston University School of Medicine and supported in part by a grant from Dishman Carbogen Amcis Ltd’s wholly owned subsidiary CARBOGEN AMCIS B.V.

Dishman Carbogen Amcis Ltd (DCAL) is a leading global manufacturer of vitamin D analogs and related APIs. DCAL partnered with Dr. Michael Holick, MD, PhD, professor of medicine, physiology and biophysics and molecular medicine at Boston University School of Medicine, to determine whether alternative vitamin D-type substances provide significant health benefits in people suffering with impaired distribution and metabolism of vitamin D.

“We believe that partnerships with academic institutions help uncover important insights and make great discoveries that benefit the pharmaceutical industry and, most importantly, the patients directly”, said Arpit Vyas, Global Managing Director of Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited.

The study results will benefit obese people and, e.g., patients who have undergone gastric bypass surgery, which quite generally results in vitamin D malabsorption. Thus, those patients run an elevated risk of bone diseases like osteoporosis and osteomalacia due to softening of the bones. 

Researchers observed that a form of vitamin D, known as 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (Calcifediol), was absorbed faster and better than the same dose of vitamin D. “This vitamin D metabolite is better absorbed in patients with fat malabsorption syndromes and since it is not as fat soluble, it does not get diluted in the body fat and is effective in raising and maintaining blood levels,” said Dr. Michael Holick. “Therefore, using 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 could be a novel approach for treating vitamin D deficiency in patients with fat malabsorption syndromes.”
CARBOGEN AMCIS B.V. provided the 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 capsules, which were produced at its parent company Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited’s Bavla facility in Ahmedabad, specifically for this study, thus becoming yet another global project for DCAL. 

With over 70 years of vitamin D experience DCAL is one of the leading innovators, developer and manufacturers of vitamin D and its analogues. DCAL is engaged in these activities both at the DCAL location in Ahmedabad, India and at its CARBOGEN AMCIS B.V. location in the Netherlands which is also active in the production and sales of vitamin D analogs (e.g., Alfacalcidol, Calcifediol, and Calcitriol), Ergocalciferol, and Cholesterol and lanolin related products for key markets as pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food, feed as well as industry applications. DCAL manufactures raw material for vitamin D ingredients and develops a range of vitamin D analogs and metabolites which are used as APIs in pharmaceutical products across the world.
“Our Vitamin D activities are a source of particular pride. Since 2007 when the Netherlands facility was acquired by DCAL we have continually invested to ensure that we remain at the forefront of innovation. Our industry partners rely on the quality of the APIs we deliver. Through this collaboration with Boston University School of Medicine, we sought to advance our industry’s understanding of the full potential of vitamin D supplements for patients with various needs,” said  Rob Eijkman, site director CARBOGEN AMCIS B.V., Netherlands.  

“The collaboration with Boston University and Dr Holick has been an exercise in complete focus upon patients of need and efficient solutions to meet that need,” commented Dr Peter Müller, senior scientific advisor for DCAL. “Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited has worked closely with Boston University School of Medicine on investigating the roles that vitamin D substances play in humans. In addition to the results of the study addressed here, the partnership has resulted in a mutually beneficial exchange of scientific views, including participation by Dr. Holick in scientific forums at DCAL.” 
For more information about the Boston University study supported by Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited: 


CARBOGEN AMCIS AG ( is a leading service provider, offering a portfolio of drug-development and commercialization services to the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry at all stages of drug development. The integrated services provide innovative chemistry solutions to support timely and safe drug development, allowing customers to make the best use of available resources. CARBOGEN AMCIS AG is owned by Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited., Ahmedabad, India.

Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited ( is a global outsourcing partner for the pharmaceutical industry, offering a portfolio of development, scale-up and manufacturing services. Dishman Carbogen Amcis group improves its customers’ businesses by providing a range of development and manufacturing solutions at locations in Europe and in India. 

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CARBOGEN AMCIS acquires new property at Bubendorf site

  • BUBENDORF, Switzerland (24 June, 2021) Switzerland-based CARBOGEN AMCIS, a pharmaceutical process development and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) and drug products manufacturing company, announced the acquisition of a new property in Bubendorf.

CARBOGEN AMCIS acquires new property at Bubendorf site

  • English

    BUBENDORF, Switzerland (24 June, 2021) Switzerland-based CARBOGEN AMCIS, a pharmaceutical process development and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) and drug products manufacturing company, announced the acquisition of a new property in Bubendorf.  

    CARBOGEN AMCIS confirms the acquisition of further property in Bubendorf (Basel-Landschaft), where the company's headquarters are located. The property in Hauptstrasse 175 has been acquired from the previous owners Marcel und Theres Rutschmann and CARBOGEN AMCIS receives full rights from 01 April 2022.

    By acquiring this property in the immediate vicinity of the existing company premises, CARBOGEN AMCIS is further expanding its presence at the Bubendorf location. The acquired land comprises a 612 m² four-storey building on a total area of 1,500 m².

    "I am very pleased that the negotiations with the owners Marcel and Theres Rutschmann have been successfully concluded with the signing of the purchase contract. The acquisition of this property opens up additional possibilities for us to expand our capacities in Bubendorf in the future," says Stephan Fritschi, Vice President Operations of CARBOGEN AMCIS.

    Until the final change of ownership and the completion of specific expansion plans, RCB GmbH will continue to operate its business as normal until further notice.

    CARBOGEN AMCIS AG ( is a leading service provider, offering a portfolio of drug-development and commercialization services to the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry at all stages of drug development. The integrated services provide innovative chemistry solutions to support timely and safe drug development, allowing customers to make the best use of available resources. CARBOGEN AMCIS AG is owned by Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited., Ahmedabad, India.

    Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited ( is a global outsourcing partner for the pharmaceutical industry, offering a portfolio of development, scale-up and manufacturing services. Dishman Carbogen Amcis group improves its customers’ businesses by providing a range of development and manufacturing solutions at locations in Europe and in India. 


  • German

    CARBOGEN AMCIS erwirbt neue Liegenschaft am Standort Bubendorf

    BUBENDORF, Schweiz (24. Juni, 2021) — das Schweizer Dienstleistungsunternehmen CARBOGEN AMCIS, das pharmazeutische Verfahren entwickelt und aktive pharmazeutische Wirkstoffe (API) und Arzneimittel herstellt, gibt den Erwerb einer neuen Liegenschaft in Bubendorf bekannt.

    CARBOGEN AMCIS bestätigt die Akquisition einer weiteren Liegenschaft in Bubendorf (Basel-Landschaft), wo das Unternehmen mit seinem Hauptsitz ansässig ist, und übernimmt per 01. April 2022 die Immobilie in der Hauptstrasse 175 mit Erhalt des vollen Nutzungsrechtes von den bisherigen Eigentümern Marcel und Theres Rutschmann.

    Durch den Erwerb dieser Liegenschaft in unmittelbarer Nachbarschaft zum bestehenden Firmenareal baut CARBOGEN AMCIS seine Präsenz am Standort Bubendorf weiter aus. Das erworbene Anwesen umfasst ein 612 m² grosses vierstöckiges Gebäude auf einer Fläche von insgesamt 1'500 m².

    «Es freut mich sehr, dass mit der Unterzeichnung des Kaufvertrages die Verhandlungen mit den Eigentümern Marcel und Theres Rutschmann erfolgreich abgeschlossen werden konnten. Der Erwerb dieser Liegenschaft eröffnet uns zusätzliche Möglichkeiten unsere Kapazitäten in Bubendorf zukünftig erweitern zu können.», sagt Stephan Fritschi, Vice President Operations von CARBOGEN AMCIS.

    Bis zur endgültigen Handänderung und der Fertigstellung spezifischer Ausbaupläne verbleibt die Firma RCB GmbH in der Liegenschaft und betreibt ihre Geschäftstätigkeit bis auf weiteres normal weiter.

    CARBOGEN AMCIS ( ist ein führender Dienstleister für die pharmazeutische und biopharmazeutische Industrie, der mit einem Dienstleistungsportfolio zur Arzneimittelentwicklung und -vermarktung in allen Phasen der klinischen Entwicklung und des Produktlebenszyklus aufwarten kann. Die umfassenden Dienste bieten innovative chemische Lösungen für eine schnelle und sichere Arzneimittelentwicklung und ermöglichen Kunden eine bestmögliche Nutzung ihrer verfügbaren Ressourcen. CARBOGEN AMCIS gehört zu Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited in Ahmedabad, Indien.

    Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited ( ist ein globaler Outsourcing-Partner für die Pharmaindustrie und bietet ein breites Portfolio an Entwicklungs-, Ausbau- und Fertigungsdienstleistungen. Die Dishman Carbogen Amcis Group unterstützt das Geschäft ihrer Kunden durch die Bereitstellung einer Reihe von Entwicklungs- und Fertigungslösungen an Standorten in Indien.



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CARBOGEN AMCIS announces a co-investment agreement of more than CHF 4 million with a long-standing Europe-based client

  • BUBENDORF, Switzerland (27 Aug 2021) — Switzerland-based CARBOGEN AMCIS, a pharmaceutical process development and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) and drug products manufacturing company, announced today the signing of a co-investment agreement with one of its key European customers.

CARBOGEN AMCIS announces a co-investment agreement of more than CHF 4 million with a long-standing Europe-based client

BUBENDORF, Switzerland (27 Aug 2021) — Switzerland-based CARBOGEN AMCIS, a pharmaceutical process development and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) and drug products manufacturing company, announced today the signing of a co-investment agreement with one of its key European customers.

The agreement provides for additional process capabilities and capacities to facilitate the manufacture of the customer’s commercial product and is following a previous investment of CHF 6 million.

The recent co-investment totals CHF 4 million and will be dedicated to expanding capacities and supporting the market introduction of the key customer’s lead compound. The investment includes the additions to the CARBOGEN AMCIS Neuland site of a medium pressure chromatography column (200L), a preparative 20 cm HPLC system and short path distillation equipment.

“We are committed to providing our customers with the best technologies and this investment will allow our client to benefit from state-of-the-art equipment that enables expanded manufacturing capacity to commercialization scale-up, and getting a much-needed drug to patients,” said Stephan Fritschi, VP operations, CARBOGEN AMCIS.

This equipment set will be dedicated to the production of key intermediates for the customer’s pharmaceutical product. This agreement is following a previous CHF 6 million investment made in 2017 by the same customer for CARBOGEN AMCIS’ Neuland site.

The collaboration between the two companies spans more than 10 years and started as early as the project’s pre-clinical development stage. “We have supported our client from the early stages of pre-clinical development all the way through to routine commercial manufacture. We are proud to be part of our customer’s successful journey towards product commercialization and this co-investment is the latest milestone in our long-standing partnership,” said Pascal Villemagne, VP sales and marketing, CARBOGEN AMCIS.

CARBOGEN AMCIS’ Neuland site specializes in early phase development and rapid kg API supply to GMPs. Its strong analytical capabilities and crystallization lab can serve up numerous customers simultaneously. The recent chromatography equipment addition reinforces the extensive offerings available at this site.

The equipment is expected to be ready for production by Q1 2023.


CARBOGEN AMCIS ( is a leading service provider offering a portfolio of drug development and commercialization services to the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries across all stages of clinical development and product life cycle. Our integrated services and innovative chemistry solutions support timely and safe drug development, allowing customers to better optimize available resources. CARBOGEN AMCIS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited, Ahmedabad, India.

Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited ( is a global outsourcing partner for the pharmaceutical industry, offering a portfolio of development, scale-up and manufacturing services. Dishman Carbogen Amcis group improves its customers’ businesses by providing a range of development and manufacturing solutions at locations in Europe and in India.

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CARBOGEN AMCIS announces successful FDA inspection of its facility in Aarau, Switzerland

  • BUBENDORF, Switzerland (27 October 2021) — Switzerland-based CARBOGEN AMCIS, a pharmaceutical process development and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) manufacturing company, announces the completion of a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspection at the site in Aarau, Switzerland.

CARBOGEN AMCIS announces successful FDA inspection of its facility in Aarau, Switzerland

BUBENDORF, Switzerland (27 October 2021) — Switzerland-based CARBOGEN AMCIS, a pharmaceutical process development and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) manufacturing company, announces the completion of a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inspection at the site in Aarau, Switzerland.

The pre-approval FDA paper inspection for an intermediate product from a customer was conducted from 17 August - 15 September 2021. By receiving the result in October 2021 the inspection was concluded successfully with no findings, confirming that no on-site inspection is required at the Aarau site for this product. The product manufactured at the Aarau facility will be processed into the final drug that the customer expects to be approved in the USA in November 2021.

“This positive inspection result from the FDA is a demonstration of our team’s commitment to the highest level of quality. This result continues a series of positive inspections by the FDA at CARBOGEN AMCIS reinforcing our successful audit history. I would like to congratulate everyone for the great effort and thank our customer for their trust in our company.” said Mark Griffiths, Dishman Carbogen Amcis Group CEO.

Opened in 1994, the Aarau facility has the flexibility to accommodate a wide range of projects, be it API or analytical. The site is centrally located in Switzerland between Zurich, Basel and Lucerne, 38km away from the headquarters in Bubendorf.

  • Total of 16 vessels from 16 L to 630 L
  • Swiss Medic approved site
  • Fully cGMP compliant
  • Specialized Chromatography Group
  • Strong Analytical Capabilities & Specialties Lab


CARBOGEN AMCIS ( is a leading service provider offering a portfolio of drug development and commercialization services to the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries across all stages of clinical development and product life cycle. Our integrated services and innovative chemistry solutions support timely and safe drug development, allowing customers to better optimize available resources. CARBOGEN AMCIS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited, Ahmedabad, India.

Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited ( is a global outsourcing partner for the pharmaceutical industry, offering a portfolio of development, scale-up and manufacturing services. Dishman Carbogen Amcis group improves its customers’ businesses by providing a range of development and manufacturing solutions at locations in Europe and in India.

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NH TherAguix announces the release of a new clinical batch for its drug AGuIX, manufactured by CARBOGEN AMCIS

  • MEYLAN, France, BUBENDORF, Switzerland, (November 3rd, 2021) - NH TherAguix, a clinical stage company developing innovative nanomedicine for the treatment of cancer, and CARBOGEN AMCIS, a pharmaceutical process development and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) and Drug Products manufacturing company, announced today the release of a new batch of AGuIX Drug Product for clinical trials.

NH TherAguix announces the release of a new clinical batch for its drug AGuIX, manufactured by CARBOGEN AMCIS

MEYLAN, France, BUBENDORF, Switzerland, (November 3rd, 2021) - NH TherAguix, a clinical stage company developing innovative nanomedicine for the treatment of cancer, and CARBOGEN AMCIS, a pharmaceutical process development and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) and Drug Products manufacturing company, announced today the release of a new batch of AGuIX Drug Product for clinical trials.

CARBOGEN AMCIS just released the fifth batch of AGuIX Drug Product since inception of the company. The release of this 3.7 kg batch added to previous available batches will secure the supply for hospitals and cancer centers that are involved in the clinical trials managed by the company. At present, 4 Phase1b/2 studies are recruiting (brain metastasis, cervix cancer, pancreatic cancer and lung cancer) and 3 are foreseen to start on other indications since already authorized by health authorities.

AGuIX combines three essential assets to fight tumors without changing the patient care. It has the potential to target, image (magnetic resonance imaging) and treat (radiosensitizing effect) cancer after intravenous injection. Its pharmacological potential is related to its innovative design that combines both a metal containing hybrid composition and a nanoscale structure.

The manufacturing of the fifth clinical batch of AGuIX Drug Product was performed at CARBOGEN AMCIS’ French site in Riom:
“We’ve manufactured several clinical batches of AGuIX Drug Product for NH TherAguix at our Riom site and we are delighted with the collaboration between our two companies on this exciting product that could make significant positive impact on patients.” said Mark Griffiths, Dishman Carbogen Amcis Global CEO. “NH TherAguix has a bright future, and we are very proud to be a part of their innovation journey. We hope to be able to support them for many years to come, especially by offering them more production capacity at our new French state-of-the-art facility localised 7km away from our current Riom site and dedicated to custom development and commercial manufacturing of parenteral drug products, which will open its doors in early 2023.”

The two companies have been collaborating on product development for seven years in the past. “CARBOGEN AMCIS was our first service partner for the production of the AGuIX Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient back in 2014 at their Swiss sites for a total of three successful campaigns. In 2019 the manufacturing of AGuIX API was transferred to Sanofi for scale-up purposes. However, we are very happy to work with CARBOGEN AMCIS from the inception of the project in 2015 on the Drug Product manufacturing at Riom site,” said Michel Julien, head of CMC at NH TherAguix. “It has been and it is still a very structuring partnership for a rapidly growing young company like NH TherAguix to be backed by a manufacturer like CARBOGEN AMCIS”.


About AGuIX
The drug candidate AGuIX, whose potential efficacy is based on nanoscale structuring, is administered by intravenous injection. It combines three essential assets to fight tumors and accessible from the same injection: target, image and treat. AGuIX technology is therefore part of the theranostic concept which corresponds to a combination of therapy (radiosensitizing effect) and diagnosis (visible in MRI), and more broadly in the personalized medicine of tomorrow, without changing the patient's care path. Due to its biodistribution and mode of action, the nanomedicine AGuIX has a broad spectrum of action against solid tumors, 60% of which are treated by radiotherapy.

About the company NH TherAguix (
NH TherAguix is a French biotech start-up based in Grenoble and created in 2015 by two co-founding scientists, Prof Olivier Tillement (Scientific advisor of NH TherAguix and Director of the Fennec team, Institute Lumière Matière, University of Lyon 1) and Géraldine Le Duc (CEO of NH TherAguix), after 10 years of preclinical research. The technology of the drug candidate AGuIX is supported by 14 patent families and more than 70 scientific publications. The production of AGuIX is handled by partners such as Sanofi and Carbogen. The team currently consists of 16 people and its board of directors is chaired by Hervé Brailly (Co-founder and current chairman of the supervisory board of Innate Pharma). The company is pursuing its strategy ambitiously as it is currently focused on its clinical development in the USA and on the preclinical development of a second generation drug.
Contact: Géraldine Le Duc

About the company CARBOGEN AMCIS (
Carbogen Amcis is a leading service provider offering a portfolio of drug development and commercialization services to the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries across all stages of clinical development and product life cycle. Our integrated services and innovative chemistry solutions support timely and safe drug development, allowing customers to better optimize available resources. CARBOGEN AMCIS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited, Ahmedabad, India.

Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited ( is a global outsourcing partner for the pharmaceutical industry, offering a portfolio of development, scale-up and manufacturing services. Dishman Carbogen Amcis group improves its customers’ businesses by providing a range of development and manufacturing solutions at locations in Europe and in India.

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Dishman Carbogen Amcis Ltd announces successful results from the partnership with Boston University School of Medicine on Clinical Research Study that reveals positive response in vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency in patients with COVID-19

  • MEYLAN, France, BUBENDORF, Switzerland, (November 3rd, 2021) - NH TherAguix, a clinical stage company developing innovative nanomedicine for the treatment of cancer, and CARBOGEN AMCIS, a pharmaceutical process development and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) and Drug Products manufacturing company, announced today the release of a new batch of AGuIX Drug Product for clinical trials.

Dishman Carbogen Amcis Ltd announces successful results from the partnership with Boston University School of Medicine on Clinical Research Study that reveals positive response in vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency in patients with COVID-19

Ahmedabad, India (December 9th, 2021) — Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited, a global outsourcing partner for the pharmaceutical industry, welcomes the results of a new Clinical Research Study which shows that oral 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 (Calcifediol) was able to correct vitamin D deficiency/insufficiency in patients with COVID-19 and that it resulted in improved immune function by increasing blood lymphocyte percentages. The research was supervised by Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Boston University School of Medicine and supported in part by a grant from Dishman Carbogen Amcis Ltd’s wholly owned subsidiary CARBOGEN AMCIS B.V.

Dishman Carbogen Amcis Ltd (DCAL) is a leading global manufacturer of vitamin D plus its analogs and related APIs with over 70 years of experience in the field. DCAL partnered with Dr. Michael Holick, MD, PhD, professor of medicine, physiology and biophysics and molecular medicine at Boston University School of Medicine and its team for the Clinical Research Study to be run by the Tehran University of Medical Sciences on treatment with 25-Hydroxyvitamin D3 (Calcifediol) of hospitalized patients with COVID-19.

The study showed that patients receiving the 25-hydroxy metabolite had, in comparison to those receiving a placebo, a demonstrably more favorable development of their immunological defense against COVID-19. Thus, dosing the metabolite significantly increased the blood levels as well as the comparative percentage of lymphocytes in blood, i.e. a reduced Blood Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte Ratio.

“A person’s vitamin D status is defined as the person’s blood level of the vitamin’s 25-hydroxy metabolite (Calcifediol), i.e. the vitamin’s natural form in circulation which the body can quickly access and finally activate. Therefore, Dishman Carbogen Amcis Ltd has for years studied the effects of dosing either the vitamin and/or the metabolite. Said Dr. Scott Miller, Sr. Scientific Advisor at DCAL, “Our support of this study of Calcifediol in the context of COVID-19 was motivated by the fact that the blood level of the metabolite can be increased more rapidly and more distinctly, if supplemented directly.”

To support the Clinical Research Study CARBOGEN AMCIS B.V. (Netherlands) provided the Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (Calcifediol) and the capsules and placebo were made at Dishman Carbogen Amcis Ltd’s plant in Bavla, India, specifically for this study.

“There are several studies that have reported that a good vitamin D status i.e. a healthy blood level of 25-hydroxyvitamin D, can not only dramatically reduce the risk of being infected by this deadly virus but also a higher vitamin D status reduced risk for serious symptoms and death caused by the virus.” Commented Dr. Michael Holick. “This controlled study similar to the one conducted in Spain recently [1] demonstrate that the rapid improvement in vitamin D status can improve positive outcomes for patients infected with COVID 19.”

“The COVID-19 pandemic hitting the world in early 2020 resulted in unprecedented global focus of R&D efforts and of solidarity in coping with the sudden and unexpected high need for intensive care beds, which didn’t hit all countries to the same degree.” Said Arpit Vyas, Global Managing Director of Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited: “It is important for us to play a role in this new challenge, not only for our corporate interests but to contribute to the possible future of the fight against COVID-19. Therefore, to follow up with this Clinical Research Study, Dishman Carbogen Amcis Ltd is currently conducting a second round of study in a larger scale in India.”

For more information about the study supported by Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited:

[1] “Effect of Calcifediol treatment and best available therapy versus best available therapy on intensive care unit admission and mortality among patients hospitalized for COVID-19: A pilot randomized clinical study”


CARBOGEN AMCIS AG ( is a leading service provider, offering a portfolio of drug-development and commercialization services to the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industry at all stages of drug development. The integrated services provide innovative chemistry solutions to support timely and safe drug development, allowing customers to make the best use of available resources. CARBOGEN AMCIS AG is owned by Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited., Ahmedabad, India.

Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited ( is a global outsourcing partner for the pharmaceutical industry, offering a portfolio of development, scale-up and manufacturing services. Dishman Carbogen Amcis group improves its customers’ businesses by providing a range of development and manufacturing solutions at locations in Europe and in India.

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Pascal Villemagne appointed new CARBOGEN AMCIS Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

  • BUBENDORF, Switzerland (March 31, 2022) — Switzerland-based CARBOGEN AMCIS, a pharmaceutical process development and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) manufacturing company, announces that Pascal Villemagne has been named Chief Executive Officer, effective first of April.

Pascal Villemagne appointed new CARBOGEN AMCIS Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

BUBENDORF, Switzerland (March 31, 2022) — Switzerland-based CARBOGEN AMCIS, a pharmaceutical process development and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) manufacturing company, announces that Pascal Villemagne has been named Chief Executive Officer, effective first of April

In his new role, Pascal Villemagne will be leading CARBOGEN AMCIS and its nine sites around the world. He will report to Arpit Vyas, Global Managing Director of Dishman Carbogen Amcis Ltd., CARBOGEN AMCIS’ parent company. Villemagne, who has served as Vice President of Sales and Marketing for CARBOGEN AMCIS for the past 11 years, replaces Mark Griffiths who announced his decision to retire.

“We are delighted that Pascal will be transitioning to this new position,” commented Arpit Vyas, Global Managing Director of Dishman Carbogen Amcis Ltd. “As head of sales and marketing, Pascal has contributed greatly to the company’s growth in recent years and he is well positioned to drive our team forward to further success. With tremendous joy, I congratulate Pascal, for all his achievements, including and especially, for finding and accepting this Exciting role of his Life and Career, within Our Family. I have nothing but, confidence, trust and belief in him, to lead the way towards an exciting Future.”

Before joining CARBOGEN AMCIS, Villemagne has had several experiences in the life science industry, amassed while serving in a variety of commercial leadership roles such as Vice President, Contract Manufacturing, at Farmhispania, an API contract manufacturing company based in Spain, Sales and Business Development Manager at Inabata and at Cambrex, as well as Raw Material Purchasing Manager at Sanofi-Aventis.

“CARBOGEN AMCIS is a major player and one of the leaders of the current CDMO in our industry, and this is the result of the engagement, hard work and expertise of its employees,” said Villemagne “That is why I am thrilled and especially proud to take over as CEO of CARBOGEN AMCIS. The company has grown significantly in the past years, and I look forward to continuing our successful journey together. I believe we have the best team to support us in our mission.”

“It is with mixed emotions that, after a 40-year career, including 21 years with CARBOGEN AMCIS, I have decided to retire,” said Griffiths. “It has been a privilege to work with this highly talented and motivated group. I would like to thank all of the employees for their commitment to each other and the company; it has enabled us to overcome many challenges over the years and I feel proud to have been part of that. I wish Pascal all the best in his new role and I have full confidence in his leadership.”

“I would like to recognize Mark’s hard work and achievements at the helm of CARBOGEN AMCIS,” said Vyas. “Mark has been an incredible leader and has contributed to the successful development of our company and I would like to thank him for his trust and commitment. 21 years of association and loyalty with a single Company is, as inspiring as it is, honourable, for the people and for the Company, likewise and respectively. We are nothing but and will, be grateful. We congratulate Mark and with all the best of wishes for all your future endeavours.”

CARBOGEN AMCIS will preserve full operational continuity during the transition and Griffiths will be available to provide guidance on matters related to the company until August 5, 2022.


CARBOGEN AMCIS ( is a leading service provider offering a portfolio of drug development and commercialization services to the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries across all stages of clinical development and product life cycle. Our integrated services and innovative chemistry solutions support timely and safe drug development, allowing customers to better optimize available resources. CARBOGEN AMCIS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited, Ahmedabad, India.

Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited ( is a global outsourcing partner for the pharmaceutical industry, offering a portfolio of development, scale-up and manufacturing services. Dishman Carbogen Amcis group improves its customers’ businesses by providing a range of development and manufacturing solutions at locations in Europe, in China and in India.

Pascal Villemagne
Pascal Villemagne

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CARBOGEN AMCIS appointed new Vice President of Business Development, Sales & Marketing

  • BUBENDORF, Switzerland (July 21, 2022) — Switzerland-based CARBOGEN AMCIS, a pharmaceutical process development and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) manufacturing company, announced today the appointment of François Baduel as Vice President of Business Development, Sales & Marketing.

CARBOGEN AMCIS appointed new Vice President of Business Development, Sales & Marketing

BUBENDORF, Switzerland (July 21, 2022) — Switzerland-based CARBOGEN AMCIS, a pharmaceutical process development and Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) manufacturing company, announced today the appointment of François Baduel as Vice President of Business Development, Sales & Marketing.

In his new role, François Baduel will lead the company’s overall sales and marketing operations. He will report directly to Pascal Villemagne, Chief Executive Officer, and will serve on the company’s executive management team as of July 1st.

The new Vice President of Business Development, Sales & Marketing will be responsible for developing strategic sales plans based on the company’s goals that will promote business development, sales growth and customer satisfaction for the organization as well as continue to target specific market segments and geographic locations to expand the company’s business. He will also have under his responsibility the marketing department in order to pursue the development of this strategic area to meet company’s objectives.

Baduel's arrival follows the appointment of Pascal Villemagne as CARBOGEN AMCIS CEO, who previously held the position of VP sales and commercial

“François Baduel brings 29 years of experience of business development and commercial management in various CDMOs and will surely be an important asset to our company, helping us to develop our growth and business further,” Commented Pascal Villemagne, CARBOGEN AMCIS CEO. “I am delighted to welcome him on board. I know very well the stakes of this position and François be able to tackle the challenge perfectly,

"I am thrilled to join a leading provider of drug development and commercialization services such as CARBOGEN AMCIS,” said François Baduel. “I look forward to collaborating with the team to support the company’s expansion all in supporting our customers in their critical path to drug development and commercialization.”

Baduel holds a Chemical Engineering Master from UMIST in Manchester and Master’s in business degree from the HEC business school in Paris. He also is a graduate engineer from the Lille (France) School of Chemistry (ENSCL)

CARBOGEN AMCIS ( is a leading service provider offering a portfolio of drug development and commercialization services to the pharmaceutical and biopharmaceutical industries across all stages of clinical development and product life cycle. Our integrated services and innovative chemistry solutions support timely and safe drug development, allowing customers to better optimize available resources. CARBOGEN AMCIS is a wholly owned subsidiary of Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited, Ahmedabad, India. 

Dishman Carbogen Amcis Limited ( is a global outsourcing partner for the pharmaceutical industry, offering a portfolio of development, scale-up and manufacturing services. Dishman Carbogen Amcis group improves its customers’ businesses by providing a range of development and manufacturing solutions at locations in Europe and in India. 

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